If you are looking for Polaroid 300 film for your Polaroid 300 camera you are lucky because your camera takes Fujifilm Instax Mini film too. We don't know exactly the whole story behind this but they started used technology which developed by each other.
In Fujifilm Started selling Polaroid Mio camera as Fujifilm Instax Mini 20. All Instax Mini 10, Mini 30, Mini 20 and Mio cameras are pretty much similar when it comes to features. You can see a Video of Mio camera at bottom of this post.
Back to Polaroid Type 300 Film So like mentioned its pretty much Mini film. Polaroid has moved from analog cameras for years so whatever they sell from their site or any other store its just expired Instax Mini film packs which re-branded as Polaroid 300 instant film.
So if you have Polaroid 300 or Polaroid Mio camera then just by Instax Mini film. You will be fine with those. Also Instax Mini film should be cheaper and if you find 300 film for cheap that's because someone want to get rid of their old stock which not selling. I don't think anyone buying Polaroid 300 cameras these days when there are so many newer models out there.
Anyway if you are new to all these and searching for an Instant camera then You would go for one of those Instax Mini cameras like Mini 8 or Mini 50s. There is a Fujfilm Instax Mini 90s which is one of the best instant photo cameras ever made but it cost you around $150 - $180. It's it's worth price since you won't find any cheap Polaroid cameras among their new instant digital camera line. All cameras cost you $200 or more.
But if you don't mind the price and want to save images so you can upload to your computer or phone then Those new instant digital cameras are the best thing for you. Instax cameras are analog cameras so you can't move images out of camera or check images before print. So if you want a digital one then check the Polaroid Z340 camera. It has bigger film format, 3 x 4 which is very similar to old Polaroid 600 film. But these are new film so you can use for old 600 cameras. Different technology.
So to make it short, Just buy Instax Mini film if you want type 300 instant film. It's the best alternative out there and cheaper and better because these mini film packs would be new unlike those old Polaroid film packs. I'm not sure how expire dates work with these Fuji film packs but why bother when you get new film for cheap. It's the best option you have if you already have a Polaroid 300 camera.
Just imagine it as an Instax Mini 7s camera since that's what it is. If you plan to buy one then only thing I have to say is don't bother. Just search bit more and you will find so many newer models from both Fujifilm and Polaroid companies for both cheap and also expensive but high-end cameras with more features.
Here's the only video I could find about Instax Mini 20 camera. If you have seen a Mio camera would see it's just identical to this one. So if Mini 20 takes Mini Film then Mio should take it without a problem too.
Here's the only video I could find about Instax Mini 20 camera. If you have seen a Mio camera would see it's just identical to this one. So if Mini 20 takes Mini Film then Mio should take it without a problem too.
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